Fun and Games
This activity is inspired by the article “The All-Canadian Game: Crokinole” in the Time to Relax issue of Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids.
Read the article “The All-Canadian Game: Crokinole” individually or as a class. For more information about Crokinole, check out this article.
Have a class discussion about what your students learned about crokinole. Ask them to consider the who, what, where, when, and why about the game.
Task your students to research a game that is popular in their community or family. Have them write a paragraph about the history of that game.
Key questions to consider:
- When was the game invented?
- How do you play it?
- Why was it invented?
- Where was it invented?
- When was the game most popular?
- Who traditionally played the game? Who plays it now?
- How has this game changed over time?
- Who taught you how to play this game?
Ask your students to share their research with the class.
Bonus: Host a class game day, where students can bring in the games they researched and everyone can play each other’s games.
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