Kayak Contest

Check out the inside back cover of each issue of Kayak to discover a built-in activity and contest for your students. You can use this prompt to have your students reflect on the theme of the issue and consolidate their learning. Designed with the historical thinking concepts in mind, each prompt will task your students to develop a written and/or creative response.

Students can submit their work for any contest at any time to Canada’s History for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Kayak.

Canada’s History will review the collective submissions to all of the contest prompts on a quarterly basis. One overall winner will be determined per quarter, based on all the entries submitted during that quarter. The quarterly cut-off points are: March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

Shine Bright

Have students design a stamp that celebrates a Canadian lighthouse and write a description of the lighthouse — then submit their work for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Kayak!

Right(s) On

Have students create a poster to help others understand the rights they are guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — then submit their work for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Kayak!

Moments that Matter

Have students create a timeline of Chinese immigration to Canada and pick the five events that they consider to be the most historically important — then submit their work for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Kayak!

At the Fair

Have students research the history of a fair in your community and consider the ways it is the same or different from how it was in the past — then submit their work for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Kayak!

Powering the Past and Present

Have students create a collage that shows how electricity changed life in Canada — then submit their work for a chance to win a free one-year subscription to Kayak!

Beneath the Surface

Have students design a captivating brochure to share the history of an interesting underground place near your community — then submit their work for a chance to win a Kayak prize pack!

Voice Your Vote

Have students weigh in on if they think Canadians should be able to start voting at age 16. They could win a Kayak prize pack!

Frozen Snapshots

Have students capture the evidence of their snow adventures — then submit their photo for a chance to win a Kayak prize pack!

Cold War Chronicles

Have students write a creative newspaper headline about an important Cold War event that involved Canada — then submit it for a chance to win a Kayak prize pack!