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Canadian Charter

Sign up below to receive your FREE class sets of our Kayak issue devoted to the history of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms may have been signed into law 40 years ago, but as recent news shows, it’s as relevant now as ever. That doesn’t mean we all understand it, of course. The February issue of Kayak introduces kids to what the Charter is, what life was like before it and how it was created, and why it matters.
PLUS you’ll have access to free lesson plans and resources.
Kayak’s Charter issue is aimed at grades 2–7.
Due to high demand, we are now out of print copies. However, you may still order the digital issue and related educational materials. You can still receive print copies of our Canadians of Chinese Descent issue.
We are grateful to the Department of Canadian Heritage for their support of this educational initiative.

Sign up to receive your FREE class sets of our Kayak issue devoted to the history of how people with disabilities have been treated and the origins of the support organizations we’ve come to rely on in Canada.