
204 results returned for keyword(s) kayak

We Are All Treaty People

Explore the meaning and the significance of the phrase “We are all Treaty People.”

Trading Places

In this activity, students will learn more about the impact of the fur trade in their community by visiting or researching a local historic site.

Fun and Games

In this activity, students will research and share the history of the games they play.

Picture This

We have so many great words that you won’t hear outside of Canada. Even better, many of those words are the same in French and English.

Historic Roots

What events has a tree seen in its life?

Settler Women in Canada

In this lesson, students will investigate what daily life would have looked like for women from six different settlements.

Puzzling Weather

We’ve hidden all kinds of words forecasters use when they predict the weather. How many can you find?

What Route?

These friends want to play basketball. Can you figure out how to get them both to the court for their game?

Cleaning Up

These bits and pieces of trash need to be tidied up. See how many you can find.

Turtle Island: A Picture of Afro-Indigenous History in Canada

The history of Afro-Indigenous peoples is largely underrepresented in classrooms and curricula due to the group’s intersectionality. Afro-Indigenous peoples have a unique history in Canada — and more broadly across Turtle Island — that deserves to be integrated into the narrative of Canadian history and Canadian identity. The following lesson is designed to better highlight the history of this marginalized group.