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Victoria High School

Victoria, British Columbia
Why it matters
Built of noble materials in the Classical Revival style, Victoria High School (1914) is the oldest high school in Victoria and a beloved institution that has played a profound role in the community.
Why it’s endangered
Victoria High has received the highest level of seismic risk rating from the BC Ministry of Education’s Seismic Mitigation Program, which unfortunately skews decision-making towards new construction. The School Board has been holding public meetings as it looks at three options: demolition and new school ($50-60 million), seismic upgrades ($60-70 million), or façade retention and new interior ($100-110 million). In the lead-up to a Board vote on the options in June, heritage groups and a large cross-section of community members have expressed alarm that demolition is being contemplated for a historic place of such unquestionable civic importance.
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