Currently showing winners from all years in all categories

Musées de la civilisation

The 2014 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Museums: History Alive! is presented to the Musées de la civilisation for the exhibition C’est notre histoire. Premières Nations et Inuit du XXIe siècle.

Museums / 2014

Mark Zuehlke

Mark Zuehlke, one of Canada’s prolific historical writers, is also one of the country’s pre-eminent military historians, and has written more than fifteen books on our military legacy.

Popular Media / 2014

Laurie Cassie and Sharon Moy

Laurie Cassie and Sharon Moy created an interdisciplinary unit for their students, combining science, literature, and history, which culminated in a train ride to Jasper, Alberta and a public display of their research projects.

Teaching / 2014

David Alexander and Ryan McManaman

As part of their school's War and Memory Legacy Project, students conducted original research relating to alumni who served in Second World War.

Teaching / 2014

Michael Berry

To learn about the history of Canada's economic policies, Michael Berry's students travel in a time machine and "meet" seven different Prime Ministers.

Teaching / 2014

Connie Wyatt Anderson

As a teacher in Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Manitoba, Connie has designed a unit on the First World War that incorporates First Nations' perspectives and focuses on the experiences of Aboriginal people.

Teaching / 2014

Manon St-Hilaire

Manon St-Hilaire’s Grade 6 class created four audio books to add to the audio corner of the school library. These books were written from a historical perspective and designed for each of the four learning modules for students in grades 1 through 4: Canadian art and artists, transportation, Heritage Fairs and Aboriginal culture and history.

Teaching / 2014

Gérald Charron

Gerald Charron's students participated in a project to recognize the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Empress of Ireland. After completing a novel student about the event, students broke out into groups to investigate four themes relating to the ship's sinking: territory / land, population, economy, and the St. Lawrence River.

Teaching / 2014

The Great Lakes Storm of 1913 Remembrance Committee

The Great Lakes Storm of 1913 Remembrance Committee came together in 2012 to plan a multi-faceted centennial remembrance for the greatest Canadian maritime disaster ever to occur on the Great Lakes.

Community Programming / 2014

La Société historique du Cap-Rouge

The Cap-Rouge Trestle (Tracel de Cap-Rouge) allowed Wilfrid Laurier to realize his 1896 project of building a second coast-to-coast railroad. The trestle was commemorated in 2013 thanks to the efforts of the Cap-Rouge Historical Society (Société historique du Cap-Rouge), which highlighted the hundredth anniversary of its commissioning.

Community Programming / 2014