Janci P.

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

District School Board of Niagara

The Battle of Lundy's Lane

The Battle of Lundy's Lane was a battle fought in the War of 1812. It is commonly known as the bloodiest battle in the War of 1812, because there were almost 900 casualties on each side of the conflict. This battle wasn't like most other battles in the war, it wasn't planned in advance and the numbers on each side were almost evenly matched. This was a significant battle in the war because it redirected American offensive action in Upper Canada.


What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

The most interesting thing I learned about this topic is how much planning and detail actually goes into a single battle. Though this battle wasn’t planned in advance, many people had to take leadership roles and make important decisions that could change the outcome of the battle. There were also so many different people that participated in the battle, they made a significant impact and it is people like this that led us to victory.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I have learnt many important lessons from the many role models that I have researched in the Battle of Lundy's Lane. For example, General Drummond persevered by ordering General Riall to return and fight. He showed a leadership role by taking command and leading the British soldiers into battle, even though he knew his plan might fail. Another great example is Lydia Peer, a widowed woman whose house was destroyed during the Battle of Lundy’s Lane. Although Lydia was left with nothing, she was determined not to give up. She stood up for her own rights by creating a war losses petition for those who suffered from the war. She showed defiance to the stereotypes created about women and showed kindness and sympathy to others hurt by the war. We can also learn from everyone who lived through this war. Their lives were difficult, unsafe and they worked hard for everything they got. I learnt to be grateful for what I have because many people had less.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

The lives of those I studied in my project were very different from my life today. Canada is a diverse and peaceful country, however it wasn't always like that. People faced many challenges in 1814; most young men went to war, women were believed to be incapable of fighting in the war, indigenous people and African Americans were discriminated against, and villagers lived their lives with the fear of their houses being destroyed. Life was hard for everyone, however it is because of the hardships they suffered that we are able to live in peace. It is important to remember the sacrifices that everyone from young kids to adults made so that we can live in our own independent country. Canada.