Savannah P.

Fir Mountain, Saskatchewan

Moose Jaw Regional Heritage Fair

BC Spiral Tunnels

The BC Spiral Tunnels is a part of the CP Rail! There was a hill that is known as "Big Hill," the hill was too big to build around, or get over. John Edward Schwitzer, (designer) built the tracks, in the hill. The Spiral Tunnels tracks goes in a spiral!!



What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

The most interesting knowledge I have learned is that, it took 25 years to plan, and ONLY 3 YEARS TO BUILD!! The one thing that SHOCKED me the most is how it cost $1.5 MILLION CANADIAN DOLLORS in 1906!! That is a TON of money especially back then!!

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I Savannah Petersen, have learned that not many people know about the BC Spiral Tunnels! I have also learned that, not everything is how you see it. Example: Not every railway track is the same, they can go in SPIRALS! Not every Province has the same landscape. ( BC has mountainous terrains, Saskatchewan has prairies, flat land and hills!

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

My life today, does not involve as much physical labor, as the Chinese immigrants. They needed that job to live. My life today does not involve as much physical Labor as back then, because there is more technology in todays world.