Simar B.

Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver Heritage Fair

Mary Ann Shadd: One Woman, One Path, One Goal for Change in Equality

Mary Ann Shadd was a woman of many accomplishments; she was the first female journalist in all of North America, an author and a teacher. But Shadd was not searching for fame, she was searching for equality for all colour and gender.




What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

What I found was very interesting was that although Shadd was born and raised in the United States, the impact she had on Canada was what she is most appreciated for. She is not known by many Canadians but, while I was doing my research, I realized the forgotten hero are the ones who pave the road to freedom and change. That is why I want to make sure every Canadian hero's amazing stories are heard.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I have learned to always believe in myself especially when other people don't, because Shadd has taught perseverance is very important if you want to achieve a goal. I also want everyone to understand that colour and gender does not define an individual. We should all be grateful and caring to one another because it is a privilege to be living in a country so diverse and inclusive.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

The difference between the time Shadd was working for days trying to change Canada's view of colour and gender to now, where we all are considered equal and have such a diverse country, is tremendous! Mary Ann Shadd helped shape Canada's diverse heritage immensely. Women and people of colour were discriminated but after years of protest and hard work, we are all considered equal.