Cassie R.

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Yellowknife Regional Learning Fair

The Memorial Cross

My topic is the Memorial Cross. It is an award presented to those whose have lost a loved one due to their military services. In this video I will tell you about the award’s evolution throughout the years; about the National Memorial Cross Mothers, who play an important part in the award’s history, and also about my family’s involvement with this award, as that is how I discovered my topic.




What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

I think the most interesting thing that I learned was about how there was a National Memorial Cross Mother who lives right in Yellowknife! I had no idea that there were even National Memorial Cross Mothers before doing my project, so learning about and meeting Sheila Anderson, the 2015 Mother, was very interesting.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

The Memorial Cross goes unnoticed by many people. However, I think that while doing my project, I have learned just how much this award means, and how important it is to recognize the significance of it. That is an important lesson: to be thankful and remember those who died to protect our country.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

My life is very different from the lives of military personnel and their close family. They risk their lives for our country, so people like me can lead safe lives. We as citizens under the military's protection should be very glad. The Memorial Cross is a good way to show our appreciation to those who sacrificed their lives and those who had to bear the loss of someone close to them.