Taylor S.

Victoria, British Columbia

Vancouver Heritage Fair

Rogers Farm

My project is on Rogers Farm, one of Victoria's oldest farms.  The Rogers family owned 255 acres of farmland for their dairy business in the late 1880's and supplied fresh milk to Victoria. Three-quarters of a century of a family service to our community.



What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

That after World War II lots of changes took place. For the Rogers family that meant an end to the demand of fresh delivered milk. Traditional dairy farms were being replaced with larger milk processing plants which began the demand for pasteurized milk. Learning all about the family by interviewing George Rogers Senior's granddaughter Phyllis.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I learned that you need to work extremely hard to succeed in life. How dairy farming changed over the years and recognize how much value it brought to the community.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

From my research, I realized how hard they had to work on the farm and that the whole family had to help. My life today seems easier as I don't have to help run a business to help provide food for my family. I can choose to spend my free time playing sports instead of milking cows or feeding livestock