Sebastien S.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Red River Heritage Fair

"Nice Women Don't Want The Vote"

My project talks about the history behind the women's suffrage, who was behind it and how it impacted today's world.




What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

The most interesting thing I learned about my topic was how empowered women truly are and how their stern belief in equality got them to make a change in Canada.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I have learned that anyone can make a difference despite your gender, race, or age.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

My life today is different from those I studied in my project because today's society has evolved into a more accepting society. Women have slowly been able to have the same rights and opportunity as men and I hope it continues to do so.