Machara M.
Oromocto, New Brunswick
Anglophone East Regional Heritage Fair (Hopewell Cape)
The Black Watch
My project will take you on journey from the birth of The Black Watch in Scotland to becoming Canada's oldest Highland Regiment. Along with its lasting impact on people, towns and country.
What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?
Black Watch is just a name to some people but a lifestyle to many. The time spent training together created a lasting bond that many never experience. The fact that The Black Watch-Atlantic Branch has kept a bottle of Scotch locked in a box to be opened by the last 2 remaining reg. Black Watch members of the 1st & 2nd battalions to toast the regiment is a testament to their loyalty and pride. My hometown of Oromocto has a strong Black Watch legacy and was formed in-part in response to the building/opening of CFB Gagetown which became home to the two Black Watch Battalions in 1958.
What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?
I have learned many important lessons while researching my project including the vital role this regiment had in the creation and reputation of our nation . Most of all by following the Black Watch legacy I have learned that history will repeat itself unless we learn from it.
How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?
I can live and plan for a future with freedom. Unlike those Black Watch Members and Canadians that faced horribles wars fought for our freedoms.