Jennah M.

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Tri-County Regional Heritage Fair

Joseph Howe

The Honourable Joseph Howe was Nova Scotian, journalist, politician, and public servant. Howe is one of Nova Scotia's greatest and best-loved politicians. Howe's known as a Nova Scotia legend.



What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

The most interesting things I learned, was in 1835,Howe won a landmark case in the struggle for a free press in Canada. Howe brought responsible government to Nova scotia in 1848.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

The most important lessons I learned are, I realized the influence Joseph Howe had on Nova Scotia .He had such compassion for Nova Scotia and its people.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

The way I compare my life today to the life of Joseph Howe, is that my life has so many more opportunities, from education to transportation. Back in the 1800's children like Joseph Howe needed to work at a much younger age compared to today. People were more judgemental like when Howe ran the Nova Scotian newspaper at 23, they thought he didn't have enough experience. Today this would not be a issue.