Ally L.

Regina, Saskatchewan

Regina Regional Heritage Fair

The Famous Five

My video tells you about why the Famous Five were so important to Canada's history. It also tells you how the Famous Five achieved their goal of recognizing women as persons.




What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

I learned that the Famous Five did many things for women's rights, including allowing women to have university degrees. My grandma Bell was one of the first women in Canada to get a university degree. I also did not realize that women could not do certain things that men could do.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

Women and men are equal and should be given the same opportunities. When you believe in something, it is very important to stand up for it and persevere through obstacles. It is also important to achieve goals through working in partnership with others like the Famous Five did. The Famous Five went from being ordinary people to being difference makers in Canadian history.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

When I look at my Mom, she has a university degree, she can vote, she can own land, she is a professional accountant, and she could run for Senate (if she wanted to). She is able to do all of this because of what the Famous Five accomplished. I also have the ability to do whatever I choose to do.