Alishia B.

Ernfold, Saskatchewan

Moose Jaw Regional Heritage Fair

CWB (Canadian Wheat Board)

My project is on the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). These are the areas that were covered: the history of the CWB, the views of past generation farmers,the views of farmers today, and how the farmers benefited by have the CWB. With compiling all this information I was able to link the CWB`s valuable contributions to our country`s heritage.


What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

Farmers a hundred years ago felt very strongly about the need for a marketing agency. This need was met by creating the CWB. Today farmers still feel very strongly about the CWB which ensures a fair price for their grain and that they are treated properly.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

Farmers have been and continue to be hard working people that put a great deal of effort into their work to feed the world. It is important that they get a fair price to support their family as well as their community. The CWB ensures that they get the best price for the farmer. In the past, farmers have lobbied the government for a wheat board and history is repeating itself, farmers are continuing this ongoing fight.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

The early western Canadian farmers had a temporary wheat board which the government abolished it.The farmers were very upset and they didn't trust the CPR and the grain companies. Comparing that to today`s farmers, numerous farmers are very upset that the CWB is gone and they are apprehensive about how they will be treated by the CPR and the grain companies. A hundred years ago farmers fed the world then and farmers feed the world now.