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Manon St-Hilaire

Ste-Thérèse-de-l'Enfant-Jésus, St-Jérôme (Quebec)
Manon St-Hilaire’s Grade 6 class created four audio books to add to the audio corner of the school library. These books were written from a historical perspective and designed for each of the four learning modules for students in grades 1 through 4: Canadian art and artists, transportation, Heritage Fairs and Aboriginal culture and history. The objective of this project was twofold. First, the project allowed the older students an activity to develop their historical thinking skills and other skills related to art, French and technology. Second, the project provides the younger students the opportunity to enrich their research module by adding a historical perspective to the content.

Canada’s History Society is able to present the Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Teaching.